Get Ready to Feel the Burn
Do you finish off your workouts feeling as though you haven’t really done anything or even broken a sweat?
Zone Athletic Clubs is proud to introduce: BURN!
Burn provides motivation to keep you working at an intensity specific to you and your body. Basically, it’s group training but with an individual purpose.
Within a small group setting, Burn uses MYZONE Heart Rate Technology to calculate your effort. This gives you feedback on when you can push harder and when you can ease off.
The result? You end up with a more efficient and effective workout where you’re actually hitting your targeted objectives.
How Does it Work
MYZONE Heart Rate based interval training utilizes heart rate monitored training. This helps you maintain a target zone that stimulates your metabolism and increases energy production.
My Zone Heart Rate Based Interval Training Budget Friendly
Backed by the science of Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (or EPOC), Burn utilizing heart rate monitored training is designed to maintain a target zone that stimulates metabolism and increases energy.
How Does it Work

1. A heart rate monitor is synced to you as you workout.

2. Heart rate, heart rate effort, calorie burn, and points are scored in real time.

3. Your metabolism is ignited at 83% of your max heart rate. Your effort level is viewed on the screen with different colors.

4. Your workout will upload at the end of the workout with the MYZONE technology